The Metaphysical Society of America
Founded: 1950 Divider Member: American Council of Learned Societies

60th Annual Meeting
Imagination, Reason, and the Real

March 13th and 14th, 2009
Emory University
Atlanta, GA

Conference Details

  • Program (printable pdf)
  • Hotel Information (printable pdf)
  • Conference and banquet registration (printable pdf)

Local contact:
MSA President, Donald Philip Verene
Department of Philosophy
214 Bowden Hall
Emory University
Atlanta GA 30322
Fax 404-712-9425
(Professor Verene does not use email.)

Call for Papers 2009 -  (CLOSED)

There are three different formats available for the Call for Papers 2009 guidelines and contact information:

Aristotle Prize
Papers submitted by persons who have not yet earned a Ph.D. or whose Ph.D. is less than 5 years old at the time of submission will be considered for the Aristotle Prize if the Program Committee is alerted to eligibility.  The prize carries a cash award of $500 and inclusion in the program.  Please encourage graduate students and junior colleagues to consider entering the annual competition.